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Why I Dance - By: Esha Ramnarine

Updated: Jan 21, 2021

I dance because it is fun, I love the story that is told, and how beautiful it looks when it’s done properly. Before I started dancing I had no interest in it. I started dancing because my big sister started, and I wanted to be just like her. Now I have grown to love dance, and enjoy dance and the fun of it.

One thing I find fun about dancing would be

the spins. My favorite part would be when

we would do 3 steps and 5 step spin,

especially when we do 2 or more in a row.

As a matter a fact 3 step spins are my

favorites. They’re my favorite because they

go fast and look really cool.

Another thing I find fun would be the dressing up. I find it so much fun to dress up and put on make-up and jewelry. I find this fun because when I dress up I always end up feeling so beautiful, and that makes me very happy and excited to dance.

Another reason I dance is for the story’s and or symbolism behind the dance or what the dance

tells. One of the dance I had learnt through the year was dance lord Krishna did. Another dance I

was taught was about the rainstorm and peacocks. I love the symbolism behind the Krishna

dance, and the story of the other dance. I think that it is crazy that a story can be told by just

movement and music. I find that quite interesting, encouraging me to want to dance more. Knowing

that I can tell a story by movement is amazing, which is why I love dance.

Last, but not least, the most fun part of dancing for me is… the bells. I love how the the bells make sounds with my every move. To be honest the sound the bells make me feel very joyful.

That is why dance.

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